
Did you ever want to know your basic metabolic rate? Do you know the number of calories you need to eat to lose weight? Have you ever felt the benefits from a 10 day detox program? Do you have aches and pains that could be improved by our pulsed electromagnetic therapy machine? We offer a wide array of services designed to improve your knowledge, vitality, energy and sense of well being. Please ask about these exciting services.

Comprehensive BasicĀ  & Advanced Nutrition Counseling

Body Composition Analysis

Resting Metabolic Rate (Baseline Caloric Needs) Testing

Weight Management Therapies

Personalized Gastrointestinal Recovery Program

Elimination Diets

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement/Menopause Treatments

Low Testosterone Treatments

Individualized Thyroid Restoration Program

Adrenal Gland Balancing

Sleep Hygiene Protocols

Natural and Prescription Mood Disorder Therapies

Natural and Prescription Atherosclerosis/Hypertension/Cholesterol Treatments

Natural and Prescriptive Prediabetic/Diabetics Protocols

Natural and Prescriptive Autoimmune Protocols

Natural and Prescriptive Chronic Infection Therapies

10 Day Detoxification Program/Heavy Metal Detoxification Program

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

UCLA Alzheimer Protocol Therapy

Natural and Prescriptive Migraine Therapies